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Postgres Database

Control your database like a spreadsheet. Or connect directly to Postgres via 'psql' as a root user.

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A table with three columns

Database admin, simplified

Control your database like a spreadsheet.

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Postgres, with root access

Do you prefer to write raw SQL and have full control of your database? No problem.

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$ psql -h subdomain.db.eu-central-1.nhost\
> -p 5432\
> -U postgres\
> -d database

Everything you need

Worry free database hosting with everything you need to be successful.

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Nhost Logo in a dark circle


Build apps users love

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A paper

Postgres Extensions

Choose from a huge collection of Postgres extensions.

A paper

Automatic Backups

Daily backups of your database.

Three circles

SSD Storage

All databases are stored on high-performing SSDs for maximum speed.

A paper


Access raw database logs and get full visability to your database.

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Other features

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Postgres Database

The world's most advanced relational database.

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Instant Realtime GraphQL API based on your database schema.

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Role-Based Permissions, Web Console, Event Triggers, Cron Jobs, and more.

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Sign in users with Email, Magic Link, SMS, Google, Facebook, etc.

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Let users upload and download images, documents and other files.

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Run custom code using JavaScript and TypeScript with infinite scale.

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Run custom services written in your favourite language.

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Run AI workloads easily alongside your Nhost Stack.

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