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Nhost: Understanding the basics

20 May 2022
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Let's create a simple todo-app using Nhost. With this app, a user will be able to create and list its own todos and not have anyone else see them.

To implement this behavior with Nhost, we'll briefly cover the following topics:

  • Creating a new app on Nhost
  • Defining a database schema
  • Inserting data
  • Setting permissions
  • Querying data via the GraphQL API

By the end of this tutorial, you will better understand what Nhost is and what it does for you.

Log in to Nhost

Go to and sign up for a new account if you don't have one already.

Create app

Press the New App button on the console's home page. Choose a name and pick the region closest to your users.

You'll be all set with the Default Workspace and the Free plan for now.

New AppNew App

Creating a new app takes around 20 seconds or so. During this time, Nhost sets up your app's entire backend and infrastructure.

Once the setup completes, you'll automatically see the app dashboard, and you're ready to define your app's database schema.

Now, you will write a small JavaScript client to interact and retrieve todos from your Nhost app.

Frontend frameworks

Nhost is framework-agnostic and works with any frontend you might build. You can also connect to Nhost from your server-side if you wish.

In this guide, we'll keep the example simple. We're not using a frontend framework. In a real-life scenario, you'd probably build a frontend client with a framework such as React, Vue, Svelte, or React Native.


Make sure you have Node.js and npm or Yarn installed.

Create a new folder called nhost-todos, initialize a new JavaScript app there, and install the Nhost JavaScript SDK:

npm init -y
npm install @nhost/nhost-js graphql

or with Yarn

yarn init -y
yarn add @nhost/nhost-js graphql

You might have to edit the package.json file and add/change the type object to module ("type": "module").

Initialize Nhost

In the new directory, create a file called index.js.

Enter the following code into this file. It will initialize a new JavaScript client that will interact with your backend:

import { NhostClient } from '@nhost/nhost-js'
const nhost = new NhostClient({
backendUrl: 'https://[app-subdomain]', // replace this with the backend URL of your app

Run the code in your terminal. You should see your app's GraphQL endpoint URL:

➜ node index.js

Query todos

If you now add the following GraphQL query to the client, let's see what happens when you run the updated version:

import { NhostClient } from '@nhost/nhost-js'
const nhost = new NhostClient({
backendUrl: 'https://[app-subdomain]',
})(async () => {
// nhost.graphql.request returns a promise, so we use await here
const todos = await nhost.graphql.request(`
query {
todos {
// Print todos to console
console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2))

➜ node index.js

null is printed. Why is that? Let's find out.

While using the Hasura Console, you could fetch the todos because the admin role is enabled by default but when building your applications with a client, you want to define permissions using roles that your users can assume when making requests.

Hasura supports role-based access control. You create rules for each role, table, and operation (select, insert, update and delete) that can check dynamic session variables, like user ID.

Unauthenticated users

Use the public role in permissions when you want some data to be accessed by anyone without being signed in. The public role is the default role in all unauthenticated requests.

Generally speaking, the public role should not have permission to insert, update or delete data.

Setting public permissions

In Hasura Console, go to the Data tab, click on the todos table, then click Permissions. Add a new role called public and click on select. The permission options for the select operation show up below.

Add the following permissions:

Public rolePublic role

Rerun the program. Now you see all todos.

➜ node index.js
"todos": [
"id": "558b9754-bb18-4abd-83d9-e9056934e812",
"created_at": "2021-12-01T17:05:09.311362+00:00",
"name": "write docs",
"is_completed": false
"id": "480369c8-6f57-4061-bfdf-9ead647e10d3",
"created_at": "2021-12-01T17:05:20.5693+00:00",
"name": "cook dinner",
"is_completed": true

There are two reasons why the request succeeded:

  1. Nhost sets the public role for every unauthenticated GraphQL request.
  2. You explicitly defined permissions for the public role.

It is essential to understand that Hasura has an allow nothing by default policy to ensure that only roles and permissions you define explicitly have access to the GraphQL API.

To implement an app for managing a todo list, let's ensure we have database tables for storing todos and users.

Open Hasura Console

Hasura generates real-time GraphQL APIs, but it also provides a web console for manipulating the schema and data of your database.

Go to the Data tab on your app's dashboard and select Open Hasura. Remember to copy the admin secret.

The Hasura Console of your app's dedicated Hasura instance will open in a new tab. You can use Hasura Console to manage your app's schema, data, permissions, and event triggers.

Data -> Open HasuraData -> Open Hasura

Users table

You should see all your database tables on the left-hand side of the screen. You should see multiple different schemas displayed as folders:

  • public schema for your app's custom tables
  • auth and storage schemas for Nhost's user management and file storage

If you open the auth schema, you'll see that your app already has a users table, so you don't have to create one.

To store the users, we already have a users table from the auth schemaTo store the users, we already have a users table from the auth schema

Create todos table

In Hasura Console, go to the data tab, then click Create Table. Name this table todos.

Add frequently used columns

id and created_at columns are standard and can be added with two clicks. Click Frequently used columns and create them:

  • id (UUID)
  • created_at (timestamp)

Using frequently used columns ensures the columns get the right name, type, and default value.

Frequently used columns in the Hasura consoleFrequently used columns in the Hasura console

Add custom columns

Add two more columns manually:

  • name (text)
  • is_completed (boolean)

Make sure to set the default value of is_completed to false.

Create a table in the Hasura consoleCreate a table in the Hasura console

This is all we need! A new table will be created when you click Add Table.

Insert data

Go to the Insert Row tab to add some data to your database.

Query data

Now that we have data in our database, we can retrieve it via a GraphQL API. Go to the API tab in the main menu. You can use this view to make GraphQL requests that query or mutate data in your database.

Paste the following GraphQL query into the form and press the Play button:

query {
todos {

You should see the todos you just inserted show up as output on the right-hand side.

Admin role

All requests in the Hasura Console use the admin role by default. This role has access to all tables and permissions.


In the previous section, you defined select permissions for the public role. You will now add insert and select permissions for authenticated users to secure your app's GraphQL API with authentication.

Nhost's authentication service lets you deliver frictionless registration and login experiences to your users. We support most social providers and different methods such as email & password and passwordless (magic link).

Insert a test user

Manually create a user by going to your app's Users tab (top menu) and clicking on Add User.

You will now use that newly created user. We'll use this newly created user to make authenticated requests to the GraphQL API.

Sign in and query data

Add the following code to sign in the new user and request the list of todos again:

import { NhostClient } from '@nhost/nhost-js'
const nhost = new NhostClient({
backendUrl: 'https://[app-subdomain]',
})(async () => {
// Sign in user
const signInResponse = await nhost.auth.signIn({
email: '',
password: 'securepassword',
// Handle sign-in error
if (signInResponse.error) {
throw signInResponse.error
// Get todos
const todos = await nhost.graphql.request(`
query {
todos {
console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2))

Why is the return value null? Because when making GraphQL requests as an authenticated user, the user role is assumed.

For authenticated requests, there is always the option to override the default user role with any other valid role.

To prepare our database and GraphQL API to work for signed-in users we need to do two things:

  1. Add a user_id column to the todos table, so we know what todo belongs to which user.
  2. Use the user role instead of the public role for permissions.

Add user_id column

Before adding the user_id column, let's delete all existing todos.

Then add the user_id column as a UUID type. Make sure that nullable is not checked. This will ensure that all todos must have a user_id value.

At last, we'll create a connection between the todos table and the users table. For that, we need to do yet another two things:

  1. Create a Foreign Key (FK) between todos and
  2. Let Hasura track the relationship between the two tables.

Create FK

Create a FK between the column and the public.todos.user_id column. See video above.

Track relationship

Click on the public schema and track the untracked foreign key relationship. Then click on the auth schema and track the relationship again. See video above.

We track these relationships to create the GrpahQL relationships between the todos table to the users table and the users table to the todos table.

Ok, our user_id column is added and connected correctly. Let's continue with setting permissions for signed-in users.

Permissions for signed-in users

Let us organize the permissions so it works for signed in users too.

Remove permissions for the public role

We won't use the public role anymore, so let's remove all permission for that role.

Remove public permissions from HasuraRemove public permissions from Hasura

Now we'll add permissions for the user role.

Signed-in users use the user role by default

Insert permission

First, we'll set the Insert permission.

A user can only insert name because all other columns will be set automatically. More specifically, user_id is set to the user's id making the request (x-hasura-user-id) and is configured in the Column presets section. See the image below.

User insert permissionUser insert permission

Select permission

For Select permission, set a custom check so users can only select todos where user_id is the same as their user id. In other words: users are only allowed to select their todos. See the image below.

User select permissionUser select permission

Now rerun the app. New todos are inserted, and only todos for the user are fetched and displayed. Your backend is successfully secured!

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